
the company

Siber Facade Group redefines excellence in facade solutions. Renowned for transforming architectural challenges into awe-inspiring landmarks, we are the benchmark for the industry.
Our experienced team expertly elevates your vision from concept to reality, surpassing expectations with every project. We represent the perfect synergy of architectural innovation and engineering precision.

We drive the façade industry with extraordinary and advanced solutions.

Perfectionism at core

As an expert in design, procurement, production, and installation, Siber is one of the leading innovative construction companies headquartered in Vancouver, Canada.
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Adaptable yet bold

We craft systems that can be configured to meet the needs of the most complex projects while meeting the solutions that fit your projects unique needs.

Innovation is at Siber's core - instinctively and reputationally.

At Siber, innovation isn't just a buzzword that we use on a corporate pamphlet. It's the way we approach every single thing. We're competing against decade-old systems that haven't changed much or moved the industry forward, and we're here to change that.
With years of seasoned experience, we're taking bold steps in new directions to define what the future of our industry looks like. It's a mantra that requires courage, a deep knowledge of our craft, and a keen eye on the latest trends in architecture and design.

This guides our every action and it’s what puts us on the path of innovation. And the heart of it all sits a tight knit team of resilient craftsmen.

Whether it’s customizing preferences, sourcing sustainable materials or tackling unique landscapes, we rise to meet every challenge, consistently. Rooted in camaraderie and trust, our primary goal is to continue being a leader in positive change, energy efficiency and unmatched quality. We’re shaping the future of fenestration systems. We’re building for tomorrow.


We infuse passion and grit into every project we undertake.


We’re changemakers who advocate for sustainable living.


Innovation is in our DNA and we bring it to life through our practices.


Open communication is central to our values. Before we build, we listen.


We are proud of what we do as an organization and continue to raise the bar.

ready to work together